
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Interview Tips for Success

Interviews can be one of the most nerve-wracking things you have to do when applying for jobs.

The trick to getting this fear out of your head is to think about interviews in a positive way and remember-- they are not scary if you prepare well in advance!
Think about it like this: an interview is an opportunity to showcase your experience, skills, and capabilities to potentially land a job. Not just a job, a good interview can lead to the start of a career you love and are passionate about. At least this is what I hope to find in my job search.
If you are, like me, beginning to apply for jobs and actually landing interviews you know the preparation that goes on prior to the actual interview. Going over a million possible questions in your head, practicing with a friend and with professionals, even practicing in front of a mirror! While you may feel silly, all of this preparation will be so beneficial once it comes time for the actual interview.

Here are a couple of articles I have found extremely helpful in preparing for upcoming interviews. Do you have any interview tips you've found incredibly helpful? Feel free to share!

On specific interview questions:
On interview tips:

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