
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Saying Goodbye: Seniors, How to Cope with College Graduation

I guess the title of this post is appropriate seeing as this is my last post on this blog. Today, I want to talk about coping once the reality of graduation actually hits you.

You won't be living next door or in the same house as all of your friends anymore. You won't have people cleaning and cooking for you. What is there to look forward to after graduating?!

While this is my first instinct to when thinking about life after college it is important to realize that things only get better from here. Sure, it might take you a little while to find a job, you might have to move back in with your parents, BUT the best is yet to come.

Graduating from college is just the beginning of the rest of your life. You can go anywhere from here whether you find your dream career or you decide to travel for a while. You won't have to have the responsibility of going to class, spending hours on homework every night, or registering for classes.

You are an adult now and have the freedom to choose whatever you want to do. So, if you are like me scared to death a little nervous about where life after graduation will take you take a deep breath and remember that it is all going to be ok!

I have enjoyed so much writing for this blog and I hope it has provided you with some great insight and opportunities you hadn't even thought were possible.

I am looking forward to hear where your lives go after graduation so please come back and share!

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