It can be a scary thought knowing you may have to move back in with your parents! I wanted to follow up with some of the pros to moving back home just in case anyone out there needs a little
While there are both pros and cons to this situation, focusing on the positives will make this decision an easier one to make.
Some of the pros are:
- Save money! I know this is the number one thing on my mind right now. Moving back home allows you to save money and you can also take this time to pay back any student loans that you acquired during college.
- Home-cooked meals: I don't know about you, but I spend a ton of money on food. Eating out definitely adds up while you're in college (all those late-night Taco Bell runs with your friends!). At home you will be able to get good, healthy food for free, which will allow you to save a ton of money.
- Opportunities: If you are living at home you may have the chance to take opportunities you otherwise would not be able to. For example, you would be able to take an unpaid internship to increase your skills and build up your resume. This will be great for when you actually do find a job and want to move out on your own later down the road.
- Build a relationship with your parents: Moving in with your parents after college will allow you to become closer to them and with the rest of your family as well. I know that during the last 4 years of college I did not go home very often, as is the case for many college students. Moving back home will give you time to spend with your parents and siblings and even your pets!
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